About Naths and Patanjali Karmas… and ours too.
Why yoga yoga is seen Today as asanas ?
Just a quick thought on how the Nath tribe (Goraskhanath and Matsyendranath being some of their great intellectuals) intention in “cleaning” Patanjali’s Asthanga Yoga from the current Buddhist and Jainist influences had a price and still does nowadays for all of us practitioners…
In the beginning of the XIX century Yoga re-surges in India with the great contribution of the Naths (something to talk about later …but Yoga became a hidden and occult practice there for a while, after receiving a huge influence from the current traditions of the time).
The Naths wanted Yoga to get back to the Hindus roots and therefore they needed to divert the focus on the mind and on our true nature as an ultimate goal to the focus in the body as a vehicle to reach the mind and the true nature. It makes me think on how many footprints this intention left as a result of a historical time in which Hinduism fought to prevail. Something like: You clear the philosophy out of the practice, give a focus in the body etc…are we talking about Yoga in the XXI century in the West?
Had been Patanjali’s scientific/doctrinaire view of yoga a bit more firmer would we now have been practising 'real yoga' and not just asanas? If yamas and nyamas as they were had prevailed would the modern yoga have had a different outcome? At the same time, if the Naths haven’t enriched the yoga philosophy with their tantric approach, would we have had the same access to the mysteries and power of Kundalini as do now?
What do you think?
Everything has a price … and a karma…
Sobre o karma dos Nathas e de Patanjali… e o nosso tambem.
Por que Yoga e visto hoje como asanas ?
Apenas uma breve reflexao sobre o quanto a intencao dos Nathas de "limpar" o Asthanga Yoga de Patanjali das influencias jainistas e budisdas nos custou e tem custado...
No inicio do seculo XIX o Yoga resurge na India com a grande contribuicao dos Nathas (coisa pra se falar depois mas o Yoga se tornou uma pratica escondida e ovulta por la por um tempo depois de ter recebido uma massiva influencia das tradicoes da epoca).
Os Nathas queriam o Yoga de volta para a suas raizes Hinduista e , portanto, precisavam desviar o foco na mente e na natureza da mente como objetivo ultimo para o corpo como veiculo para alcancar a mente e a natureza da mente. Isso me faz pensar em quanto essa intencao, resultado de um periodo historico em que o Hisduismo tinha que prevalecer de novo, ate hoje deixa rastros.Voce tira a filosofia e da um foco no corpo…estamos falando de yoga no seculo XXI no Ocidente?
Tivesse permanecido a visao cientifica/doutrinaria de Patanjali estariamos hoje de fato praticando yoga e nao meramente asanas? Teriam os yamas e nyamas prevalecido e dado um novo destino ao yoga moderno? Ao mesmo tempo, caso nao houvesse os Nathas enriquecido o yoga com sua abordagem tantrica, teriamos hoje o conhecimento dos misterios e poderes da kundalini?
O que acham?
Tudo tem seu preco...ou seu karma...
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