Sirsasana in Thailand
If you ask me what is yoga about that's what I say. I love this quote by Jivamukti yoga master Sharon Gannon: “You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state.” The sage or rishi yoga decoder Patanjali has defined yoga 400 CE in his YOGA SUTRAS as yogas citta vritti nirodha. It means yoga is the mastering of the fluctuations of the mind. When the mind is free of all sorts of non stop responsiveness, when it is steady and stable that is Yoga. We are often so hostage of our body sensations, thoughts and emotions that we can barely see our true nature. The word Yoga comes from Sanskrit root yuj, which means "to join" or "to yoke". It is a practice, a tradition, philosophy and a science. However it is not a religion as there is absolutely no dogma to follow.
Whereas the Hinduism is a big umbrella under which many philosophical approaches were followed in India in the ancient time, Yoga was seen as a tool to put in practice some of their theoretical aspects. So for instance when the sages spoke about purification or Saucha Yoga proposed cleansing Kriyas as a powerful way to detoxify and purify our bodies from inside out. If they focused on the spirit or soul or the breath of life Yoga talks about pranayamas or breathing exercises for the extension and control of prana (life force). When we practice this richest ancient traditional teachings we start to see ourselves in a different way and so the whole external world changes. We regain our natural freedom, peace, lucidity and dynamic energy back for our own benefit and for the benefit of all beings around us. I like to say that practising Yoga is one of the greatest benefits we can generate to the world. Happy yoga day everyday, guys!
Whereas the Hinduism is a big umbrella under which many philosophical approaches were followed in India in the ancient time, Yoga was seen as a tool to put in practice some of their theoretical aspects. So for instance when the sages spoke about purification or Saucha Yoga proposed cleansing Kriyas as a powerful way to detoxify and purify our bodies from inside out. If they focused on the spirit or soul or the breath of life Yoga talks about pranayamas or breathing exercises for the extension and control of prana (life force). When we practice this richest ancient traditional teachings we start to see ourselves in a different way and so the whole external world changes. We regain our natural freedom, peace, lucidity and dynamic energy back for our own benefit and for the benefit of all beings around us. I like to say that practising Yoga is one of the greatest benefits we can generate to the world. Happy yoga day everyday, guys!
Hoje e 21 de Junho, Dia Internacional do Yoga
Se boce me pergunta o que eh o Yoga, isso eh o que lhe respondo. Eu amo essa frase de um dos mestres to Jivamukti Yoga, Sharon Gannon: voce não pode fazer Yoga. Yoga eh seu estado natural . O que boce pode fazer são exercícios de Yoga que podem rebelar onde voce esta resistindo ao seu estado natural. O sábio ou rishi decodificador do Yoga Patanjali definiu o Yoga 400 A.C no seu Yoga Sutras como as yogas citta vritti nirodha. Isso significa que Yoga e o domínio das flutuações da mente. Quando a mente esta livre de todo o tipo de responsividade, quando esta esta estavel isso eh Yoga. Nos somos constantemente reféns de nossas sensações corporais, pensamentos, emoções que quase que não podemos ver nossa verdadeira natureza. A palavra Yoga vem do radical yuj que significa unir, re-ligar. Eh uma pratica, uma tradição, filosofia e uma ciência. Contudo, não e uma religião já que não ha qualquer dogma a seguir.
Enquanto o Hinduísmo eh uma guarda-chuva sob o qual muitas abordagens filosóficas eram seguidas na India, Yoga era visto como uma ferramenta para por em pratica alguns daqueles aspectos teóricos. Então, por exemplo, quando os sábios falavam de purificação ou Saucha, Yoga propunha Kriyas como um poderoso modo de desintoxicar e purificar nosso corpo de dentro para fora. Se focavam no espirito ou alma ou no alento da vida, Yoga falava nos pranayamas ou exercícios respiratórios para controle e extensão do prana ou forca da vida.
Quando praticamos os ensinamentos dessa tradição antiga e riquíssima a gente começa a se ver de um modo diferente e assim todo o mundo externo muda. A gente reconquista nossa liberdade natural, paz, lucidez e energia dinâmica para o nosso próprio beneficio e para o benefícios de todos os seres ao nosso redor.Eu gosto de dizer que praticar Yoga e um dos grandes benefícios que podemos gerar para o mundo. Feliz dia do yoga todo os dias, gente!