Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Yoga Balance Workshop

Yoga Balance Workshop: Building up a strong foundation with balance . Balance is a key point in yoga as it helps us to understand more about how important it is to be centred and to root in life. It is also crucial in order to calm our whole system down, centralizing mind, energy and body.  It improves hugely our concentration, mind accuracy and intuition. Balance yoga activates ajna chakra, the centre of our equilibrium, which governs commandant glands in the brain.  You deserve a full workshop focused on balance to enhance your New Year's resolutions and a more harmonious and peaceful life. There is much more than what you see in the Yoga world. Do not miss out this opportunity to learn, be inspired and feel good in such an exclusive and workshop with REGINA PADMA RINTCHEN. Come along!

Family Yoga - superheroes here they come

Family Yoga - superheroes here they come: Welcome to my 1st Family Yoga class this year. Family yoga classes are funny and also physically mentally and emotionally beneficial for all ages as they improve body and breath condition concentration, calmness and learning skills. This class will be about super heroes which is great to for boy and girls to develop their imagination and 'super powers'. Finishing with a moment of lovely relaxation, a family yoga journey will engage kids and challenge parents in an environment of fun, learning and connection. Don’t forget that the family that moves together stays healthy together! Join me :-)