Wednesday, 8 October 2014


I started my own yoga and meditation practice in my home town , Recife - Brazil, when was 16 years old. I can say now I have been practising for 18 years with on and offs in my teenager and early adult life. Since 2003, Yoga has been uninterrupted in my life everywhere I go. In Recife, I received my first teacher certification through ANYI ( Associacao Nacional de Yoga Integral) and I also created my studio in 2005 – DharmaYoga. Unfortunately I had to pass it on last year but kept it a my brand and my heart. I have been practising Yoga whilst living in UK and whilst doing tourism in countries like India, Argentina, Thailand, Spain, Switzerland etc . In UK I had my second certification in Sun Power Yoga in 2010. In Thailand, was certified in Thai Yoga Massage as well as in Rue Sri Datton or Thai Yoga. Always believed yoga is an universal language that can be "spoken" everywhere with an open heart in order to create benefits. Therefore my path consists in always improving, learning and sharing.

This blog is the result of this dream of sharing yoga in a broaden view. I want to talk to you about the traditional angas or parts of Yoga but also about yoga as a 24h practice in our daily lives, as Sri Aurobindo used to say. A dream that now we dream together, that we now want to make it happen collectively for the benefit of many people. I am going to name this dream as Yogalactica. It is is your yoga. Its is your galactica. Feel free to browse around and to come and meet me. With grace and joy, Regina

Monday, 17 March 2014


Our DharmaYoga classes in UK can be found on those links:


Regina Padma Rintchen is a Brazilian-Italian professional journalist and a committed yoga practitioner. She became a teacher in 2003, after accomplishing a 200 hours teacher training course, certified by the National Association of Integral Yoga/ANYI, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She´s also a facilitator of meditation and a member of Bodisatva Buddhist Studies Centre, in Recife, Brazil. She is trained in integrative massage, levels I, II and III by Ma. Anand Aloka and also received training in Yogatherapy by ANYI-RJ, in 2004. In trips around India, in 1996 and 1999, she visited many ashrams for yoga classes and teachings. Regina is member of ANYI, International Association of Yoga Teachers - Sao Paulo/ Sydney, Australia since 2007 and Secretary , in Recife, Brazil, of the International Federation of Yoga (Uruguay), which in 2008 also conferred to her Studio DharmaYoga Recife/Brasil and UK the status of honourary´ membership. In June 2010, she became a member of Yoga Alliance UK and in November 2010 got a qualified teacher certification in Sun Power Yoga in Leicester/London. In November 2013 became certified in Basic Traditional Thai Massage and Ruesri Da Ton or The Ancient Thai Yoga by Loi Kroh Traditional Thai Massage & Yoga School, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Regina has been a practitioner of Yoga since 1988, following Swasthya Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Asthanga Yoga, Power Yoga,Yin Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Forrest Yoga, Satwa Yoga, Dynamic Yoga,Sivananda Yoga, Acroyoga,Sun Power Yoga, Thai Massage and Bikram Yoga. Her main teachings nowadays are in Hatha Yoga,Integral Yoga, Sun Power Yoga and in Restorative Yoga.  - She was the founder and owner of DharmaYoga Recife/Brasil and UK or Espaço Dharma de Yoga Integral in Recife, Brazil, which provided a full-time programme of yoga classes, workshops and meditation practices for adults, children, pregnancy, senior yoga as well as massage and studies groups. Nowadays she dedicates her life to teach yoga trough regular classes in Peterborough and Stamford, in UK, and workshops in Brazil. 

Neal Dawkins is English and graduated in History and post graduated in health care management. He completed his yoga teacher training in Sivananda Yoga in Santa Catarina, Brazil in 2009 and in Sunpower Yoga with Anne-Marie Newland in England in 2010. He has also received classes and attended workshops in Jivamukti Yoga, Yin Yoga, Satwa Yoga and Acroyoga and is qualified in swedish massage and accupressure massage and practiced Tai Chi Chuan for a number of years. This is reflected in his yoga classes, which emphasise relaxation, meditation and body/mind awareness for both new and experienced practitioners. When in Brazil he teaches at DharmaYoga Studio as well as other yoga centres. As part of karma yoga, he helps children in the shanty town of Coque, in Recife, Brazil through yoga classes for teenagers. He is a life teacher and member of DharmaYoga Recife/Brasil and UK. In november 2013, became certified in Basic Tradition Thai Massage by Loi Kroh Traditional Tai Massage and Yoga School, Chiang Mai, Thailand.